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Located in Foley, Alabama
You can get everything you need for a healthy heart at the Coastal Alabama Farmers and Fisherman’s Market. The American Heart Association recommends shopping local farmers markets for seasonal fruits and veggies, eating foods in all colors, and being physically active. At Coastal Alabama Farmers and Fisherman’s Market, you can find leafy green vegetables, fresh fruits, and seafood, along with other healthy foods. Don’t forget to add some dark chocolate to your basket. You don’t even have to wait for Valentine’s Day to indulge because dark chocolate has health benefits.
Just as filling your plate with healthy, locally grown, fresh produce will boost your heart health, so will the actual shopping for those foods. You’ll enjoy fresh air, a little physical activity, and interact with awesome vendors and other shoppers. Preparing your foods will add even more activity. You’ll feel better than ever and want another trip to the Coastal Alabama Farmers’ and Fisherman’s Market.
Find serving recommendations here: https://healthyforgood.heart.org/eat-smart/infographics/what-is-a-healthy-diet-recommended-serving-infographic
Roses are red. Violets are blue. A colorful heart Makes a healthier you.
-Liz Tetley-